Tips and tricks for choosing the best diets for 2012
As many people are struggling nowadays to fight obesity or eating disorders, here are some tips and tricks on how to choose your best diets for 2012. In their quest for a healthy life, people are sometimes on the wrong track and choose fast and dangerous diets. As suggested by nutritionists and health organizations, before choosing a diet it is highly recommended to consult your family doctor for a more specialized opinion on the right diet one should follow. When looking for the best diets for 2012 you should firstly decide on what type of weight loss plan you want to choose. Basically there are three common categories of nutritional plans: low-protein diet, low-carbohydrate diet, or low-fat diet.
Fight obesity and eating disorders
Obesity is becoming pandemic, affecting millions of people every day in every corner of the earth. But what’s most alarming is that obesity affects children at a fast and dangerous rate: the percent of obese children with ages 6 – 19 have reached 16%, three times greater than 12 years ago. Type II diabetes, arterial hypertension, cancer, gallbladder disease, heart failure, osteoarthritis etc. are just some of the life threatening collateral effects of obesity. All these alarming facts and figures have fortunately led to a mass interest in looking for the best diets for 2012. If someone types on Google best diets for 2012, he/she will get at least 702 000 000 which is very encouraging as regarding the overall awareness of people and their real concern.
Ideas for best diets for 2012
Among the best diets for 2011 is Atkins Diet. Aiming for long term healthy results, Atkins Diet proposes essential foods for reactivation of a slow metabolism and by this way to lose any excessive layer of fat. Based on protein and fat consumption (fish, cheese, olive oil etc), Atkins Diet’s objective is to eliminate carbohydrates from the daily meals. It is recommended for children too.
Another famous diet is Nutrysystem. Based on a 2 week nutritional plan, the diet has as objective a creation of self defending system of your body against unnecessary fat deposits. It adopts a flexible and mild approach at the first stage of the diet, and after becomes more severe. It also recommends protein shakes along with meals.
Weight Watchers is also a very popular and at the same time very easy diet. Its popularity is explicable as it doesn’t involve strict schedule or planning, being very accessible for everyone. Basically you can eat everything you want as long as the total amount of calories you consume on a daily basis is lower than approximately 1200. This diet is bases on fiber foods.
However, for a healthy life, the Latin quote “Mens sana in corpore sano” meaning a sound mind in a healthy body (translation in Latin of the same Greek quote used by the philosopher Thales), basically encouraging people to practice sports, to be careful with their diet and to be active in the social life it still remains one of the best diets for 2012!
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