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Πέμπτη 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

The best way to prepare an espresso

The best way to prepare an espresso

Either in the mornings or in the afternoons, an espresso coffee is one of the most flavored sources of energy one can enjoy. They say coffee was discovered by a header from Ethiopia, eastern Africa. He observed that every time his goats were eating coffee beans, they became unusually active and full of energy.

In order to prepare a high quality espresso the 4M principles must be followed. The first important factor for preparing the best espresso is Micella, meaning the special mixture of coffee used for espresso. Taste and aroma of the espresso is given by the coffee beans used and the level of their roasting. For the best espresso mixture, different kinds of Arabica and Robusta coffee are blended together using secret recipes.

Another critical factor for preparing a good espresso is Macchina, the espresso machine. It is said that the first espresso machine was invented in France in 1822. The idea was afterwards perfected by Angelo Moriondo and in 1884 his first espresso machine was patented. Nowadays espresso café is part of the Italians everyday life and culture. There are over 200 000 espresso bars opened only in Italy. Also, over 400 billion cups of espresso coffee are consumed everyday worldwide.

Of course Mano (meaning hand), representing the skills of the barman or of the person preparing the espresso are also very important. Dosage is very important when preparing an espresso. It is said that „ristretto”, is the perfect dosage for a perfect espresso, as in the first 25 seconds, under the steam pressure the best substances are extracted from the coffee (proteins, minerals, vitamins, flavored oils) while useless substances remain in the filter.

The last M is Macinato and it refers to the grinding level the coffee beans used to prepare the espresso. It is very important to add only coffee beans in the grinder as all the other external ingredients will destroy the aroma and taste of an espresso.

TransN � n n @ � rbal Command

One of the most important steps in clicker dog training method is to replace clicker sound with the master’s voice. When the dog has learned that clicker sound is the signal to perform a task, you may wish to replace the sound of the clicker with your own voice so that you have control over your dog in any situation and without always carrying a clicker with you. Basically firstly you need to make your dog associate three things: the sound of the clicker, your voice and then the reward. For example for the sitting command already learned you first make the clicker sound, then just order “sit!” and only after give the reward. Repeat several times and your dog will respect your commands without making the clicker sound even without a treat, just because he will get petted or praised and for the dog this means the master is pleased.

Clicker puppy training can be used for any breed and it is an easy way to create and reinforce almost any behavior.

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