List building using video on You Tube
List building using a video, marketing tool
List building using video is a free marketing tool helping you design and implement online marketing campaigns for your services and products. List building is basically a strategy to keep available and tease a list of potential buyers of your products or services. List building using videos is also a very efficient way to convince your public that your products really exist, that there is a real person behind them and that they are reliable.
You Tube and list building using a video
You Tube is an enormous online video data base so it is the perfect environment for a successful list building using a video. Just for your information, statistics say that You Tube is the most popular search engine after Google, people with ages between 18 – 34 years watch more videos on You Tube than on TV and 71% of all users online are watching You Tube. Pretty convincing!
The first thing you need to do is to create a welcome video for your site, a “how to” video or even a small presentation of your products or services. The video may be either a short interview or a slide show presenting your message for the potential buyers of your product.
Tips and tricks for a good list building using a video
There are some small details and little secrets you have to know so that marketing campaign for list building using a video to be successful.
At the moment you upload your video on You Tube make sure to list your URL in the description box as the first text and only after to add a description. This trick helps you create an active link for your site so that the interested people can click on it and then be directed to your website.
Another secret is to have short videos, of maximum 2 minutes. In case you want to transmit longer messages, just break the videos into episodes of maximum 2 minutes.
Other 2 tricks to make the list building using a video efficient is to make sure the description of the video is rich in SEO keywords so that it will be easy to find and also make sure that your videos are public on You Tube so that access is provided to anyone.
For a successful campaign through list building using a video, you will have to promote your You Tube video via social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
Another smart trick to enhance your list building using a video is to search on You Tube related videos which are already popular. Then post your own video as a response. This strategy will make wonders increasing the number of users who will watch your video with minimum effort.
Another important key for you is to upload related videos on a regular basis, as You Tube usually promotes better new videos than old ones.
Make sure you give feedback to comments and try to keep a moderate proportion between negative and positive comments. Positive comments only will give the impression of fake … List building using a video may be risky in a way but if it’s done well it is a strong marketing tool for any kind of products or services.
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